10 Tips for Buying Anesthesia Machines

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by Heartland Medical
July 20, 2022

Did you know that aromatherapy helps patients when they wake up from anesthesia? It helps to reduce vomiting and nausea.

Whether you’re a hospital or have a private practice, it’s important to note that not one anesthesia machine fits all. There are different factors that you’ll want to consider before purchasing one.

You might wonder what to look out for. While this might seem tricky, there’s hope. Read this guide on various tips for buying the best anesthesia machines today.

1. Choose Your Ventilator

You can choose between a single circuit piston ventilator and a double-circuit bellows ventilator. Bellows ventilators use pressurized gas to drive and compress a bellow to deliver ventilation.

Piston ventilators have a computer-controlled motor for gas to enter the breathing system. It doesn’t use driving gas and is a single circuit.

The motor compresses gas within the piston, which raises the pressure. This has the gas flow into the lungs.

2. Consider the Size and Mobility

The right anesthesia machine will depend on the physical space available. Consider the size of the operating room and how often you’ll need to move it from place to place.

You don’t have to worry about size and mobility if it’s in a fixed location. However, smaller mobile machines are best for moving them around.


  • Services offered
  • The warranty
  • Where it’s manufactured
  • The cost for maintenance or repairs
  • How long the warranty will last

3. Storage

When you buy anesthesia machine parts, you’ll need to consider storage. It’ll need to be a location for the stylets, tubing, and monitors.

Mobile devices will need a built-in suction to attach the suction regulator. But again, proper storage will ensure that it’ll work properly without problems.

4. Safety Features

While most modern systems have safety features, you’ll want to double-check that they do. For example, backup nitrous cylinders or oxygen should be on the back of the machine.

This allows them to serve as a reserve supply if the main one runs out. But first, see if the machine has oxygen sensors. They’re important since you can see the percentage of oxygen that’s being delivered. You can also see when the supply is running low.

For locations for both children and adults, you’ll want to have two vaporizer ports. Children can be induced by halothane or sevoflurane. Adults can be induced by an IV.

5. How To Buy Anesthesia Machines

You can choose from a refurbished or brand new machine. While new equipment might last longer, the price is more expensive.

Consider your budget before buying a new machine. A loan might help pay for part of the necessary equipment.

Over time, older equipment might become obsolete. You’ll then need to decide if you’ll sell or keep it.

Refurbished equipment could be a great option. This way, you won’t have as large of upfront costs and can replace the machine in the future.

Some refurbished machines you can buy on a payment plan. If you lease it, you’ll have monthly fixed payments with some providers.

6. Integrated Systems

These are for full operating rooms that have heavy surgical schedules. Integrated units have ventilation with volume and pressure control.

They could have other advanced modes. Integrated monitoring, three vaporizer chambers, and gas delivery management are common. They work with electronic data systems.

7. Determine if Other Systems Are Compatible

Decide if your new anesthesia machine will work with your current equipment. Check the vaporizer mounting options for your new machine. Decide if you’ll need to buy new vaporizers that are compatible.

For facilities that use mounting tracks to position exam lights, you’ll need mounting tracks on the new machine too. Check the gas delivery and scavenging system as well.

8. Whether It’s a Good Investment

Consider maintenance costs and the purchase of the machine. Factor in potential equipment problems that might occur. Think about the most expensive thing that could go wrong.

You’ll also want to consider how long you’ll get out of the machine. If it’s refurbished, the end of life will be from the original manufacturer. They won’t provide support after a certain date.

Some anesthesia machine specialists can help keep your machine working like new. Look for one that offers high-quality used or new parts for your machine.

9. Low Flow Capabilities

Desflurane and sevoflurane are expensive; options to reduce the volume will help. Low flow is similar to autopilot.

A steady state of fresh gas will be maintained when the patient is asleep. This mixture will include nitrous oxide, oxygen, air, and vaporized anesthesia agents. Less anesthesia will need to be maintained the less fresh gas you use.

10. Ask the Experts

Ask those who specialize in fixing and selling anesthesia machines. They can help ensure you don’t overspend on a machine with more features than you need.

Speak with the providers who will be using the equipment daily and what their preferences are. They can also help you ensure that the machine is cost-effective and will work in your facility.

Better Understanding How To Pick Out Anesthesia Machines

After exploring this guide on how to pick out anesthesia machines, you should better understand how to choose the right one. Remember to include the providers in your decision about which option is best.

Are you ready to get started with top-of-the-line anesthesia machines for your business? From basic anesthesia to premium machines, you have options.

Contact us today on our different machines today! If you have any questions, we’re happy to help.

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