What Equipment Do You Need to Open an Outpatient Surgery Center

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by Heartland Medical
July 6, 2022

Did you know that the total number of hospitals in the US is 6,093? Out of these, some include non-government community hospitals that are not-for-profit (2,960). Others include investor-owned/ for-profit community hospitals (1,228).

In the US, there are many different hospitals, medical centers, and surgery centers where patients get many medical procedures.

And if you’re planning to open a new outpatient surgery center, you might be wondering about what equipment you need. However, if you don’t know exactly what you need, you might be feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Fortunately, in this article, we’ll review what surgery center equipment you need. Finally, you can open your outpatient surgery center and have everything you need, making it more successful than ever. Read on to learn more.

Anesthesia Machines

When you open up a surgery center, you’ll need to have anesthesia machines. With an anesthesia machine, you can ensure that your patients have a less painful surgery experience. This is when they’re having surgery done at your outpatient surgery center.

Surgical Tables (And Accessories)

Whether you’re building a surgery center or buying a building where you’ll be setting up your outpatient surgery center, you’ll also need surgical tables. This way, you can have a place where your patients can lie down while you complete surgical procedures.

You should also buy accessories for your surgical table. These might include side extensions, positioners, screens, hoops, or drain pans.

Additionally, depending on your needs, it might be worth investing in hand and arm surgery tables.

This isn’t always the best fit for a surgery center. However, if you think you’ll be performing many upper-extremity surgical procedures, then it would be helpful to your surgical team to buy these types of surgical tables.

When you choose the right one for you, make sure it’s radiolucent-friendly. This way, it can allow for imaging. Additionally, ensure it’s lightweight to such an extent that it’s easy to use.

You should also think about buying hand and arm surgery tables that come with support legs. If one of your surgeons needs to that additional support, it could be helpful.


Speaking of accessories, one of the most important ones that make it possible for other accessories to attach to surgical tables is a clamp. With clamps, you can attach a wide variety of accessories such as anesthesia screens, IV poles, and arm boards.

There are two different clamp options: flat-blade and round-post. They’ll also vary by design.

Some will, by design, attach instantly and will be able to clamp onto any part of your table. Others, by design, will attach to a specific table area.

For this reason, when choosing the right clamps for your outpatient surgery center, you should do your research. Find out what your needs are, based on the surgery you carry out and what your surgical team needs.

This way, you’ll select the clamp types that will be most useful for them to use.


You’ll also need stretchers for your outpatient surgery center. Hospital stretchers are reliable and durable, and, as a result, they make it possible for your personnel to transport your patients fast so they can perform procedures, some of them life-saving.

When looking for the right stretcher, look for one that can withstand a large number of years in your busy outpatient surgery center. You can buy these used or new.

Patient Monitors

To perform your surgeries safely, you need to have patient monitors in your outpatient surgery center. You need to invest in ones that track four main vital signs when you’re doing your outpatient surgery.

These vital signs include respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature.

Additionally, cardiology medical practice requires the measurement and recording, over a period, of electrical activity. This is also known as electrocardiography or EKG/ECG. It’s essential to track this for patient care.

There are different patient monitors available. These include types such as multi-parameter vital signs, IBP/NIBP blood pressure, pulse oximetry (SpO2), and fetal.

Consumables and Disposables

All operating rooms require certain consumables and disposables, and there needs to be a sufficient amount of them. Consumables and disposables include wound care supplies, gloves, surgical sutures, and face masks.

When your staff use these supplies, they’ll have the protection they need to perform surgery safely.

Some of these items are single-use. These single-use consumables and disposables include pads, dressings, gloves, steri-drapes, and bio-hazard straps.

Additional Equipment

Additional equipment you might need at your outpatient surgery center includes equipment covers (for protecting your equipment), restraint straps (for stability and security of the patient), head supports, anesthesia screens, and exam and surgical lights so that your team can see what they’re doing.

It’s also a good idea to have an emergency generator in the case of a power loss. This way, you can ensure that you can keep your patients safe and continue doing your surgery even if that occurs.

Additionally, it will make it possible to protect the important data at your outpatient surgery center.

Looking To Buy Outpatient Surgery Center Equipment?

Now that you’ve learned about the different equipment you need at your outpatient surgery center, you might be looking to buy this type of equipment. In this case, you should look no further than Heartland Medical Sales & Services, LLC.

We’re experts when it comes to the equipment you need. Additionally, we provide medical equipment planning services and sell medical equipment.

To learn more about our surgery center equipment options, take a look at our equipment now.

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