What to Consider When Building a Surgery Center

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by Heartland Medical
December 27, 2022

Did you know that, according to the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Statistical Brief on ambulatory surgeries that were major and performed in 2019 in facilities that were hospital-owned, there were 19.2 million surgeries in that year?

This was quite a big increase from the year 1995 when this number was 13.4 million.

Considering these statistics, you might be considering opening up a surgery center and considering the right things when building it, such as surgery center equipment.

However, if you don’t know what you need to consider, this can be quite stressful.

Fortunately, in this article, we’ll review what you need to consider when building a surgery center.

Finally, you can build a surgery center and start serving your patients who come in for surgery. Read on to learn more.

Location of the Surgery Center

One of the most important aspects you need to consider when building a surgery center is the location. This is because it will have a big impact on how many clients you get, which will have a big impact on how successful your surgery center is.

When it comes to location, you should be looking for proximity to facilities other than your own, the area having high visibility, and the convenience of access.

Surgery Center Equipment

One of the things you need to think about when you’re building a surgery center or ambulatory surgery center is the equipment you’ll be using in it. From autoclaves to stretchers, IV poles to warming cabinets, you need to ensure that you meet all the needs of your patients.

Once you have a list put together of your equipment, you should also think about timing.

After all, some equipment for surgery centers might be on backorder or not ready to ship.

By putting together this list far ahead of time, you’ll be able to save on money (for example, you won’t have to pay for the costs of expedited shipping) as well as headaches.

When the surgery center equipment arrives, you’ll also need to schedule an installation timeline.

When it comes to this installation, hire professionals who already have industry experience and all the required licenses and certificates for installing surgery center equipment.

Additionally, make sure they know what the building codes required for medical facilities are.

Services And Facilities

Services and facilities are also important to consider when you’re building a surgery center. This is because the services you provide will have an impact on the type of equipment you’re buying, as well as which facilities you want to have available for clients.

This will be the first step you take when it comes to understanding the layout of your surgery center, which is what we’ll cover next.

The Layout

In addition to surgery center equipment, this guide will also demonstrate how important it is to consider the layout of your surgery center. You need to think about the floor plan, the placement of electrical outlets, and where suites would go (as well as whether they’d be sectioned off).

It’s also important to think about the size of hallways and doors, as you want them to be large enough to make the maneuverability of equipment and patients easier.

New Or Old

When you’re thinking about layout, looking potentially, at plans in an ambulatory surgery center guide or ordinary surgery center one, you might notice that these will vary depending on whether you’re building a surgery center anew or creating one in an older building.

When it comes to building a surgery center in a new building, you can ensure that your surgery center is OSHA certified and up to code in regards to insulation and electricity.

However, if you purchase a building that’s existing, you might have fewer restraints when it comes to time, such as those that are due to contractors’ schedules or weather.

Additionally, electrical and plumbing might already be present in the facility, and there might be a basic layout of the floor.

If you’re able to use some of this layout, then the costs of construction might end up being drastically lower.

However, before you do a renovation, it’s important to make some additional considerations, which we’ll cover now.

Additional Considerations

You should think about whether you might end up having any issues when you’re changing the building related to medical use zoning. Additionally, you should be aware of any issues that might come up due to OSHA regulations.

Also, you need to think about the changes you’d be making to the floor layout. Ask the following questions.

“If there are any areas you need to open up, would a supporting wall get in the way of that?”

“When it comes to autoclave installation, would it be necessary for me to re-route electrical or plumbing work?”

By thinking about these additional considerations, you’ll come closer to deciding whether to buy a new building or renovate an old one for your surgery center.

Take your time when making this decision, thinking carefully about budget, timelines, floor plans, and quotes.

Need More Information?

Now that you’ve learned about what to consider when building a surgery center, such as surgery center equipment, you might need additional information. Maybe you want to learn more, for example, about the different equipment you may need for the services you plan to offer.

Whatever information you need, we at Heartland can help. We’re experts when it comes to surgery center equipment.

We also sell surgery center equipment. To learn more about what equipment we sell, check out our equipment by brand now.

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